OT in the community, home or in nature


Occupational Therapy based in Geelong and on the Surf Coast and Bellarine Peninsula.

Your overall wellbeing suffers when you can’t do the activities you need or want to do, in the way you want to.

CGOT Occupational Therapy offers strengths focused, evidence-based support to children, teens, and adults for a range of health conditions that impact on physical health, emotional wellbeing, and brain function:

  • Neurological / nervous system

  • Mental health

  • Chronic pain

  • Injuries and trauma

  • Genetic

  • Autoimmune

Mind body approaches

CGOT’s holistic approach to rehabilitation and wellbeing considers the whole person—mind, body, heart, and spirit. With a core focus on the connection between mind, body and meaningful occupations, CGOT empowers individuals to lead fulfilling lives through a range of person-centred approaches.

“Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning”.

“Emotion-based signals between our hearts and our brains have a profound impact on our daily functioning”.

Sensory approaches

Supporting individuals to manage and respond to sensory input from the environment through sensory modulation, sensory integration, and therapeutic techniques. ADHD and Autism are examples of some conditions that can cause challenges in processing sensory information.

Nature based therapy

Bringing outdoor activities, green spaces, and natural settings into therapeutic interventions. Immersion in nature supports self regulation, mental health, improvement in pain intensity, development of motor skills, social skills, and cognitive skills. Nature sparks imagination, interactive play, socialisation, curiosity and creativity.

Reduction in ADHD symptoms - Studies show frequent use of devices increases symptoms of ADHD by 10%.



  • Think wooden balancing beams, swings, rolling in leaves or down hills, climbing trees, textures of different plants/bark. This is a supportive environment for kids of all sensory needs including quieter play areas, and areas for movement seekers. Supporting kids to develop emotional regulation skills and understanding of sensory needs.

    Let your kids imagination run wild!

  • For those with physical limitations there are short walks along flat terrain, and crafty activities utilising natural elements.

    *Wheelchair user friendly

  • Nature walks for ages 12-18, tailored to those on the spectrum or ADHD.

  • Nature walks for ages 18+ tailored to those on the spectrum or ADHD.

  • All ages welcome

    Take a dip in the ocean with communal support.

    Cold water immersion supports a calm mood and cools down overwhelmed senses. It’s also a powerful antidote to negative emotions.


Cultivating accessible, inclusive, and neurodiverse environments

Developing strategies to promote functional independence, wellbeing, and productivity in a range of environments such as workplaces and schools.

  • Evaluating factors such as physical accessibility, noise levels, lighting, seating arrangements, availability of quiet spaces.

  • Managing tasks

  • Communication and social interaction

  • Promoting sensory regulation and self-regulation


Horticultural therapy

Weekly gardening groups on-site for all abilities, or we can come to you:

  • Your home

  • Respite facilities

  • Residential aged care facilities

  • Little gardeners - age 5-8

    Young gardeners - age 9-12

  • Ages 13-18

  • Ages 18+

  • Age 65+

  • All ages - adapted gardening tools

    • Stroke survivors

    • Those with physical limitations


Yoga and mindfulness

On-site physical yoga practice and mindfulness practice for all abilities. Or in your home or the community. Accommodating for a range of abilities and nervous systems.

  • Movement practice for ages 3-5

  • Movement practice for ages 6-12

  • Movement practice for ages 13-17

  • Movement practice for 18+

  • Movement practice for 65+

  • For those rehabilitating or with physical limitations.

  • All ages restorative practice. Light movement.


For increased participation and engagement in meaningful activities,

Live life in a balanced state